Tuesday, January 29, 2013

|| My 21st Birthday ||
Only the best weekend ever. 
Not only did we go to Disneyland, I'm now engaged! 
I can't wait to marry my best friend. I've decided, RAINBOW WEDDING.
& This image below is the reason I get so excited for California.
& Then I forced Tyler to take portraits with me. :) It was very difficult making my camera look straight on the hood of Tyler's car with self timer....
& then we found this fucking adorable kitty! Came right up to our car and jumped in!!! I wanted to take her home! >.< But eventually I scared her because I was overwhelmed by her cuteness and she ran away ...
The evening was so much fun with the family. They let me drink before I was legally 21 :P
I love my family so much. I wish I saw them everyday! D: 
Up early the next day for an AMAZING day at Disneyland!!!!!!!!!! Except they ran out of Birthday buttons :( & apparently everyone is born on January 28th! "Fucking Patrick!" .. Good times.
Above is the real reason we come to Disneyland. #DoleWhip #Pickles Just omg.
He was going to propose to me here....But he chickened out!!! :'D

The big moment! It was awesome! He made sure someone took pictures of it! & made it a secret! He is the best! These pictures make me so happy! PICTURES SO SO IMPORTANT! Thank you Disneyland lady! Both of us were in tears. It was the best moment of my life. We had a little audience clapping :)
The next day we celebrated by going to Slaters 50/50..... The 50/50 stands for the patties being made of half ground beef, half ground bacon.... This place was bomb.
They had bacon shakes, ketchup, fries, buns....Bacon errrrrthang. Tyler was in Heaven,

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